Quick guide to creating a commercial invoice for exporting products to the USA
When selling products to the United States, it’s important to know the proper procedure for creating a commercial invoice to export products in the USA. By following this guide you can be sure that your commercial invoice will be in order and legally compliant with US government regulations. This will help keep you and your business out of trouble and ensure that your customers can receive their order rapidly.
Important information to be found on invoice
Here are the essential information to found on all your commercial invoices for your US orders
-The full name of your company
-The name, email and telephone number of a person to contact in the event of a problem at Customs.
-Full address of your company
In a separate file we also ask you to save
- the description you want us to include for your product on the invoice as well as the price in US$.
- HS codes
- country of fabrication
Commercial Invoice Template
Here is the link to a simple template that you can use.
and a template for your product list
Exceptions and notes
Quick guide to creating a commercial invoice for exporting products to the USA